Health, Safety and Well Being of Britannia Company

The health and safety of Britannians is of the highest importance to the Company. Britannia has devised a Risk Control Framework that guides risk management and compliance to safety requirements. 


Our Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Policy encourages a Zero Accident work culture and extends to all employees and contract personnel. Our manufacturing units conform to OHSAS 18001 standards.


Additionally a Central Medical Council engages with occupational experts to oversee the health and hygiene needs of Britannians at work and advises the medical and paramedical teams.Safety performance is tracked using established indicators such as LTI, Medical Treatment Case (MTC) and TRAFR (Total Recordable Accident Frequency Rate). Britannia saw no workplace fatalities in FY 2020 – 21. 

In FY 2020 - 21, we conducted a National Safety Week Campaign at all Britannia sites, with varied employee engagement activities to reiterate the importance of occupational health and safety. 

We quickly adapted our health and safety practices to the challenges posed by the spread of COVID – 19. Using CCTV based analytics of safe behaviours such as wearing of masks and social distancing, we identified units at risk and initiated measures to minimise potential outbreaks.

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