Employee Engagement and Practices at Britannia Industries

Employee safety and well-being has always been a priority for your company. Over the last few years our focus has been to enhance the well-being experience for our employees and their families through our domain of Britannia Cares. It includes all our wellness programs which stand on the foundational pillars as described below:


Social Well- Being

  • Building connected relationships not just with the employees but also their family members through parenting tips and other sessions.
  • Cookies and conversations encouraging informal connects and conversations within teams & leaders.
  • Little B - Employee family outreach via summer camps and workshops for children (age group 4-12 yrs).
  • Career counselling for employee’s children (age group 13-21 yrs) through an external agency


Physical Well- Being

  • Company sponsored biannual health check-up for all employees.
  • Sessions focused on recognizing the need for physical activity through exercise based sessions (Fitness Friday)
  • Preventive medical care through sessions by doctors on various health related topics.
  • Telemedicine service available to all employees by their family members with online doctor consultation.
  • Several fitness related competitions & sports events.
  • Medical concierge desk.


Financial Well- Being

  • Awareness session on inheritance and tax investment sessions.


Mental Well- Being

  • Mindful Monday sessions with focused expert talks on mental well being.
  • Unlimited free teleconsultation with psychologist for employees and their family through our employee assistance program
  • Face to face consultation with a counsellor available in office premises

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